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November 24, 2020 - By Elia Associates

COVID-19 Bulletin No. 29: COVID-19 Restrictions In Ontario

Updated on November 23, 2020

An outline of Ontario’s new tiered/zoned system:

Green Zone - Prevent (standard measures) – restrictions reflect the broadest allowance of activities in Stage 3; the highest risk settings remained closed. This stage focuses on education and awareness of public health and workplace safety measures. …


October 13, 2020 - By Elia Associates

COVID-19 Bulletin No. 28: Return To A "Modified" Stage 2

Effective Saturday, October 10, 2020 at 12:01 a.m., these targeted measures are being implemented in Ottawa, Peel, and Toronto as a result of their higher than average rates of transmission. Measures under a modified Stage 2 include:


October 1, 2020 - By Victor Yee

New Claws For The CAT: Pets, Vehicles, Parking, And Storage (A.K.A. Part 4 Of Why The CAT Must Award Legal Costs)

On Thursday October 1st 2020, the Condominium Authority Tribunal of Ontario (the “CAT”) expanded its jurisdiction beyond disputes about condominium record-keeping and record-disclosure, to also include disputes about pets, vehicles, parking, and storage (what we’ll call “PVPS” issues).  The CAT’s jurisdiction now includes disputes about chargebacks for those …


September 17, 2020 - By Victor Yee

Why The CAT Should Award Legal Costs, Part 3: Problematic Self-Representation By Boards Or Managers, And Scandalous Allegations By Unit Owners

As we pointed out in our 2 previous articles (here and here), the Condominium Authority Tribunal of Ontario (the “CAT”) should be awarding legal costs to parties when they are successful in their litigation.  Since Condominium Managers should not be representing their condominium corporation clients at the CAT, …


July 30, 2020 - By Elia Associates

COVID-19 Bulletin No. 27: Mandatory Face Mask Policies in Condominiums in the City of Toronto

 The City of Toronto’s By-law 664-2020 was passed on July 29, 2020, and same provides that as of August 5, 2020, all condominiums in the City of Toronto must:


July 29, 2020 - By Elia Associates

COVID-19 Bulletin No. 24: Toronto and Peel Move to Stage 3!

The Government of Ontario announced today, July 29th 2020, that effective Friday July 31st 2020, Toronto and Peel Region will be joining the rest of the public health units in Stage 3 of the Province’s Re-opening Plan. This comes just in time for the Civic Holiday long weekend!


July 29, 2020 - By Elia Associates

COVID-19 Bulletin No. 25: Masks Will Become Mandatory in Condominiums in the City of Toronto

On July 29, 2020, Mayor John Tory announced that masks will become mandatory in all common element areas in condominiums in the City of Toronto.


July 29, 2020 - By Elia Associates

COVID-19 Bulletin No. 26: The Clock Is Ticking To Book Your AGM

On July 21, 2020, Bill 195, Reopening Ontario (A Flexible Response to COVID-19) Act, 2020 (the “Reopening Act”) received Royal Assent, and came into force on July 24, 2020. 


July 23, 2020 - By Elia Associates

COVID-19 Bulletin No. 23: Condominiums In The City of Toronto Urged To Implement A Mandatory mask Policy

In a press release issued by the City of Toronto on July 22, 2020, Mayor John Tory urged all apartments and condominiums in the City of Toronto to adopt a mask or face covering policy for all indoor common element areas. 


July 20, 2020 - By Elia Associates

COVID-19 Bulletin No. 22: Stage 3 And Condominiums

On July 20, 2020, the Government of Ontario announced that the majority of public health units in the Province will be permitted to move to Stage 3 of the Province’s Reopening Plan effective Friday, July 24, 2020.