Article Library
Maybe Don't Post Those Board Meeting Minutes After All
In the interests of transparency and communication with unit owners, some condominium Boards have been in the regular habit of uploading their monthly Board Meeting Minutes to their condominium corporation’s online community portal.
But maybe that’s not such a great idea after all, given some of the recent cases from …
Toronto’s New Vacant Home Tax
In December 2020, Toronto City Council asked City staff to develop a Vacant Home Tax (“VHT”) program and to report back with a recommended design for a VHT by the end of the second quarter of 2021, for tax implementation in 2022. At its meeting held on July 14th and …
Covid-19 Bulletin No.50: Ontario Announces Plan To Gradually Lift COVID-19 Restrictions
Before the weekend, Premier Ford announced the province’s three step plan to gradually lift COVID-19 restrictions, beginning January 31st 2022, and continuing through February and March. On January 31st 2022, businesses, including gyms and restaurants offering indoor dining will be permitted to reopen again with 50% capacity. The government added that …
Covid-19 Bulletin No.49: COVID-19 Restrictions: Ongoing Confusion & Inconsistency
Since our COVID-19 Bulletin No. 48, which was posted on January 5th 2022, there has been an ongoing debate within the condominium industry as to whether the Step 2 Regulation: Ontario Regulation 263/20 (“O. Reg 263/20”) applies to condominiums.
On January 7th 2022, the Ontario Minister of Health’s office confirmed …
CAT Says Hurry, But Will Their New Costs Regime Catch Up?
Condominium corporations often want to enforce against a unit owner or resident’s violating behaviour as quickly as possible. But condominium managers and condominium lawyers have been trained, after decades of case law from the Ontario Superior Court of Justice, to believe that “jumping the gun” and going straight to Court …
Covid-19 Bulletin No.48: Ontario Reinstates Further Restrictions
As of Wednesday, January 5th 2021, in response to the rapidly spreading Omicron variant of COVID-19, Ontario will be returning to a modified Step Two of its re-opening plan, resulting in the closure of indoor dining, gyms, theatres and re-instating lower capacity limits in most other indoor and outdoor settings. …
Covid-19 Bulletin No.47: Ontario's Proof Of Vaccination And Booster Eligibility
QR Code Requirements to Verify Vaccination Status
The province announced changes to the proof of vaccination system after a sudden escalation of Omicron cases and data suggesting that it will be the dominant strain by January 2022. The initial plan to end the provincial vaccine passport program in mid-January has …
Winter Is Coming: Ready Your Condo’s Noise And Other Nuisance Enforcements
On September 23rd 2021, the Ontario Ministry of Government and Consumer Services (the “MGCS”) announced that as of January 1st 2022, the Condominium Authority Tribunal (the “CAT”) will have the jurisdiction to hear condominium disputes regarding noise, odour, smoke, vapour, light, or vibration (collectively, “NOSVLV” disputes).
On October 27th 2021, the Ontario Real …
Covid-19 Bulletin No.47: Reopening The Province By March 2022
The Ontario government, in consultation with the Chief Medical Officer of Health, has released a plan to safely re-open Ontario that will manage COVID-19 for the long term. The plan outlines the province’s gradual approach to lifting the remaining public health and workplace safety measures by March 2022.
Ontario will …
Covid-19 Bulletin No.46: Ontario Extends Deadlines For Virtual Meetings And Electronic Voting
The Ontario government has extended the deadline for condominium corporations to hold meetings virtually. The previous deadline of December 31, 2021, has now been changed to September 30, 2022.
While the changes do not extend the timeframe to hold AGMs, it does allow for virtual meetings and electronic voting to …