Article Library
CAT Gets Amlani Wrong Again; Why Does It Matter?
Unfortunately, the CAT has continued to misinterpret the Amlani case. In the CAT’s October 1st 2021 decision in Middlesex Vacant Land Condominium Corporation No. 605 v. Cui, 2021 ONCAT 91 (“Cui”), the CAT has yet again failed to understand that Amlani was confined to the specific facts in that specific …
Covid-19 Bulletin No.45: Ontario's Proof Of Vaccination Program – Welcome To Vaccine Passports
With reluctance, the Ontario Government has introduced the Vaccine Passport. Ontario residents will need to either print or download their second dose receipt from the government website until the enhanced certificate becomes available on or around October 22nd 2021. Proof signed by an Indigenous health provider or a receipt from …
Emailed Records Request? Either Do or Don’t, CAT Says
One of the persisting questions that has arisen ever since the new Request for Records regime was established on November 1st 2017 – and the Condominium Authority Tribunal (the “CAT”) along with it – is whether a unit owner’s Request for Records can be validly delivered to a …
Article Index For Miami Condo Collapse
This index was created as collection of resources and articles related to the Miami Condo Collapse.
…Condo Collapse – A Five Part Series
Part 1 – The Who
In this Five Part Series on the Collapse of the Florida Condominiums, I wanted to take the time to focus on not just the Who, What, Why, When and How that go into a disaster such as the collapse of the Surfside Condominium but the …
Covid-19 Bulletin No.44: Ontario's new vaccine certification program
The Provincial Government, in consultation with the Chief Medical Officer of Health, announced that starting September 22nd, 2021, proof of vaccination along with photo ID will be required at many non-essential businesses in Ontario under the Province of Ontario’s new COVID-19 vaccine certification program.
…"Condo Collapse!! What About Us??"
The Surfside, Florida condo collapse has grabbed the attention of everyone in the condo world. Surprise! Disaster! Tragedy! How? Why? We hope to address a number of relevant areas for the condo community at large. Industry experts representing different specialties will weigh in on the event, each examining it …
CAT Wades Into The War On Pickups
An all-out pan-Canadian culture war was ignited last month when the Toronto-based Globe & Mail ran a column titled, “Pickup trucks are a plague on Canadian streets”. Premiers of the Prairie provinces weighed-in, and Albertans raised a hackle about this eastern attack on their Canadian identity.
Yet in urban centres …
Can condos require COVID-19 vaccination or the disclosure of one's vaccination status?
As more than 50% of individuals in Ontario are now fully vaccinated, concerns have been raised regarding whether workplaces, establishments and condominium corporations can require that individuals be vaccinated and the instances in which the disclosure of one’s vaccination status is permitted by law.
…"Jackals" Are Necessary In Today's Condo World
The recent tragedy in Florida has put an international spotlight on condominiums – and rightfully so. The tremendous loss of life in suburban Miami, with residents being killed in their sleep in the middle of the night, justifiably causes terror to anyone living in a condominium today (this author included). …