Article Library
Making the Most of Mediation: How To Be Comfortable In Your Mediation Session
Mediation is a process that is driven by the parties. It stands to reason, then, that the parties participating get out of it what they put into it. To make the most of mediation, it is helpful if those taking part are comfortable and sufficiently prepared. What follows are some …
DID YOU KNOW? Facts about Valentine's Day
Re-printed from via Aveni, Anthony. 2003. The Book of the Year: A Brief History of Our Seasonal Holidays. New York, NY: Oxford University Press for general interest and entertainment purposes only.
…What Is Tarion?
The Ontario New Home Plan – How to Practically Manage and Navigate the System for Condominium Corporations (3 part series)
…Why Use a Condominium Mediator?
There are differing views as to the degree of specialized knowledge that a mediator should have in respect of the subject matter of a dispute. Unless some form of evaluative mediation is involved, this stands to reason. As the mediator is not imposing any …
Municipal Responsibility
At last fall’s ACMO/CCI-T Condominium Conference, the question was raised as to the role of municipalities in creating healthy condominium communities, particularly given that condominium corporations are becoming more and more prominent across Ontario. The City of Toronto’s recent launch of a consultation that seeks to engage condominium occupants to …
DID YOU KNOW? Facts about the Year of the Snake
Reprinted from via via Jana on Pinterest, by Jennifer Bonnetto, for general interest and entertainment purposes only.
…The Successes of "Failed" Mediation
In assessing the competency of a mediator, many look to “success rate” – typically, the percentage of mediations where a settlement was reached. While achieving settlement may certainly be a desirable outcome for those taking part in mediation, whether or not a settlement is achieved is not within the power …
City of Toronto Condominium Consultation
Recognizing that "the health of Toronto's condo communities is critical to the future health of our city as a whole", the City of Toronto is engaging condominium residents, Boards, businesses operating in condominiums, property managers and others to help examine municipal policies. The purpose is to identify issues that condominium occupants …
Selecting a Mediator for a Condominium Dispute
Section 132(1)(b)(i) of the Condominium Act, 1998 (the Act) permits the parties to a dispute to move on from required mediation and proceed to arbitration if they have not been able to select a mediator within 60 days of "submitting the disagreement to mediation". The …
Patricia Elia & Richard Elia Speaking at Golden Horseshoe CCI Condo Conference
Patricia Elia and Richard Elia will each be speaking on Saturday, April 27, 2013 at the Condominium 2013 Conference and Trade Show taking place at the Hamilton Convention Centre.