Article Library
The Price of Being Right
When you proceed to court to resolve a dispute, you set out to ultimately prove that you are right and the other side is wrong. That being said, being right and recovering costs are two separate matters. Even if one is successful in winning a legal battle, there are no …
Game Changers
Recently, two cases were released that could potentially have significant bearing on the governance of condominium corporations – one relating to the collection of common expenses, and the other relating to the role of the chair at unit owner meetings. Both cases are, in my view, correctly decided; however, both …
Board Meetings: In Praise of Older Technology
It is hard to think of e-mail correspondence as being old technology. Perhaps it is more accurate to consider how the evolution of laws can change how we can make use of (and are permitted to use) certain technologies.
…The Invisible Participant
When mediation is “sold” as a dispute resolution process, we are often told that there is nothing to lose. Highlighted is the chance to participate with the parties you are in conflict with and work together to find a resolution. Through creative "outside the box" thinking, additional options appear and it is suggested …
Tarion Perspectives
The Ontario New Home Plan – How to Practically Manage and Navigate the System for Condominium Corporations. Part 2 of 3: Tarion Perspectives
In this article, we explore the different perspectives at the Tarion table.
…Managing the Effects of Dementia in Condominium Communities
Dementia is the most common mental health disorder affecting Canadian seniors.[1] As the percentage of the population over the age of 65 increases and the number of Canadians residing in condominiums continues to rise, dementia disorders will significantly impact the operation and management of condominiums corporations in the near future.
…City of Toronto Condominium Consultation - Round 2
The City of Toronto has scheduled Round 2 of its public consultation sessions focused upon condominiums and issues related to those who live or work in them.
…Marc Bhalla in "Le Journal de la Mediation"
Today's edition of Le Journal de la Mediation - an ADR journal prepared in France and circulated internationally (electronically) - features Marc Bhalla's article titled Ten Reasons To Mediate.
Today's edition of Le Journal de la Mediation - an ADR journal prepared in France and circulated internationally (electronically) - features Marc Bhalla's article titled Ten Reasons To Mediate.
…Ten Reasons to Mediate
There are many good reasons to consider mediation as a means to address condominium conflict: