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October 9, 2009 - By Richard A. Elia

CONDOCENTRIC: DID YOU KNOW? Property Tax On Common Elements

While the common elements of a condominium corporation do not generally constitute a parcel for the purpose of municipal assessment and taxation, if a part of the common elements is leased for business purposes and the lessee carries on an undertaking for gain, it may constitute a separate parcel for …


October 9, 2009 - By Richard A. Elia

CONDOCENTRIC: Ask The Pros - Salespeople and Trespassing


We are having a problem with salespeople bothering residents in a seven-storey building.  Signs are posted at the main entrance indicating “no soliciting.”  If they refuse to leave when requested, can we call the police and have them charged with trespassing?


October 9, 2009 - By Patricia E. Elia

CONDOCENTRIC: Legislative Update For Condominiums - Amendments to Statutes and Regulations

Condominium corporations are impacted by legislative changes (in laws) and common law (judicial) decisions regularly in any given year.  The nature and scope of the impact on condominium corporations from these changes will depend on the parameters governing the condominium corporation and its operations. From a legislative point of view, …


October 9, 2009 - By Richard A. Elia

CONDOCENTRIC: For Better or Worse: The Condominium Act, 1998 (Anniversary Commentary)

May 5, 2006 marks the fifth anniversary since the “new” Condominium Act was proclaimed into law. This new Act did not simply create limited amendments, but entirely replaced the previous legislation, which had remained virtually unchanged for over 20 years.


October 9, 2009 - By Benjamin J. Rutherford

CONDOCENTRIC: Casey Goes To Ottawa: A Cat's Tale

Foreword:  MTCC 949 is currently seeking leave to appeal this case to the Supreme Court of Canada – a process that is virtually unheard of in condominium circles.  It has been our opinion, from the outset, that this case ought never to have gone to court in the first place! …


October 9, 2009 - By Karen P. Kisiel

CONDOCENTRIC: New Smoke Alarm Law Effective March 1, 2006

On March 1, 2006, a new regulation to the Ontario Fire Code will come into force requiring upgrades to the smoke alarm system in all detached houses, semi-detached houses and row houses, including condominiums, as well as any other dwelling unit that is not otherwise regulated by Retrofit, Part 9 …


October 9, 2009 - By Marc Bhalla

CONDOCENTRIC: The Collection Process

Collecting common expenses represents the financial life-blood of a condominium corporation – the cash-flow, without which, a condominium corporation cannot carry out its duties.


October 9, 2009 - By Melanie Gibson

CONDOCENTRIC: Mould and Grow-Ops: A Growth Industry

The prevalence of grow-ops in Canada can be attributed to one single stimulus – money to be made; lots and lots of money. A typical grow-op consists of about 400 plants which can be harvested every 3 months. This cycle will produce 1,600 plants per year which can generate a …


October 9, 2009 - By Michael Darmody

CONDOCENTRIC: Leadership In The Condominium Universe

As in any organization with multiple stakeholders, getting things done in a condominium complex can be a daunting task. Multiple players with multiple agendas, positions and perceptions often serve to grind forward progress to a halt, and this can prove extremely frustrating for a Property Manager or Board member who …


October 9, 2009 - By Patricia E. Elia

CONDOCENTRIC: Would You Like Fries With That?

Unfortunately it is not the exception in practice that we are asked to review contracts and other agreements on very short notice, often with the instant expectation that we will simply state that all is well. To practice in this way is irresponsible on the part of the lawyer, and …