View Article
April 7, 2011 - By Richard A. Elia

CONDOCENTRIC: Federal and Provincial Election Campaigns - Key Legislation for Condominiums

With a federal election campaign in full gear, and the upcoming provincial election, it is important for condominium corporations to keep the following in mind:

The Condominium Act, 1998 (Section 118) provides, in part, that access to condominium property cannot be unreasonably restricted to candidates or their representatives for election to the House of Commons or Legislative Assembly.

The Canada Elections Act, 2000 (Sections 43.1 and 322) also has certain implications for condominium corporations including:

  1. Access is not to be restricted between the hours of 9 a.m. and 9 p.m.;
  2. A unit owner may display an election advertising poster in his/her unit (eg. through the window) subject to reasonable size limitations; and
  3. The condominium corporation may prohibit election advertising posters from being displayed on any portion of the general common element areas.

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