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May 30, 2016 - By Elia Associates

Marc Bhalla in the April/May 2016 issue of Condo Business

The April/May 2016 edition of Condo Business magazine features an article that Marc Bhalla wrote on page 36.

In his article, titled Tribunals and tribulations, Marc addresses the Condominium Authority Tribunal that is expected to be established in the course of the implementation of the highly anticipated changes being made to the province's condominium law, speculates as to how it could work and offers pros and cons.  Marc also draws on what we have seen play out with other tribunals and in other regions, including British Columbia - where Canada's first online tribunal is being established with the province's Civil Resolution Tribunal (CRT). 

To view the April/May 2016 edition of Condo Business, click here.  Please contact Media Edge for further information about this publication. 

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