Marc Bhalla (he/him) [biracial] is a mediator and arbitrator/adjudicator who has been with our firm since 2002. His dispute resolution practice is separate and does not include the lawyers at our firm
Marc has a Master of Laws (LL.M.) in Dispute Resolution from Osgoode Hall Law School, where he focused his studies on procedural fairness, access to justice and online dispute resolution. Marc has been recognized as a national leader and expert in online dispute resolution. He wrote Canada's first book on the topic!
Marc earned the Chartered Mediator (C.Med) and Chartered Arbitrator (C.Arb) designations of the ADR Institute of Canada – the nation's most senior official designations for mediators and for arbitrators. He has extensive professional and personal experience with problem solving. Marc serves on multiple administrative tribunals, including the Toronto Licensing Tribunal.
Marc actively writes about conflict management and has been widely published, including in several peer-reviewed academic publications. He has spoken from coast-to-coast across the country and in the United States, at an array of courses, conferences and interactve workshops. Marc has delivered keynote addresses in conferences presented in Regina, Saskatchewan and at International Mediation Awareness Week.
Marc is Dispute Resolution Faculty of Osgoode Hall Law School's prestigious LL.M. program and lectures at York University, Queen's University, the University of Saskatchewan and the University of Calgary's Faculty of Law. He is a Curriculm Developer and Instructor for the Certificate in Dispute Resolution Program, offered by York University's School of Continuing Studies.
Marc earned an Executive Certificate in Conflict Management from the University of Windsor Faculty of Law, an E-Commerce Certificate from New York University and an Honours Bachelor of Arts at the University of Toronto (Trinity College).
Marc has been recognized for his dedication and commitment to his community. In 2019, the Canadian Condominium Institute (National) honoured Marc with a Distinguished Service Award (DSA). He is the only dispute resolution practitioner to receive such recognition. In 2020, Marc was honoured with a STAR Award by the ADR Institute of Ontario. In 2022, Marc was elected to represent Ontario on the Board of Directors of the ADR Institute of Canada.
Marc celebrates diversity, believes in inclusion and is passionate about human rights. He is a proud member of the South Asian Bar Association, the Diversified Dispute Resolution Institute of Canada and the Society of Ontario Adjudicators and Regulators (SOAR). Marc also serves as Academic Partner of the Authentic Allyship Project.